Rodier Law has moved away from the traditional law firm model. Fancy wood furniture and bookshelves are nowhere to be seen in our offices. Instead, we work in an open environment with inspirational quotes on the walls reminding us about hard work, success, commitment, and loyalty to our clients.
The old type of expensive legal billing which has turned off people seeking help does not exist here. Our goals are to build lifelong relationships of trust and have the same clients coming back year after year, along with their friends and families. We believe that fair fees and helping thousands of people are a better way of doing business. Clients can always call us to discuss potential matters and are never charged unless we explain what we need to do and how much it will cost.
The biggest complaint in the industry is a lack of communication between attorney and client. Our model encourages constant contact through phone, email, or even texting. We can even set up Facetime™ and Skype™ calls. Our staff returns emails and phone calls the same day, if possible, and always within 24 hours. No matter who the assigned attorney or paralegal working our clients' cases, the client always has full access to contact with the President and Senior Partner of our firm. Mr. Rodier always has his cell phone available to answer clients' questions and concerns and respond to their emails.