
Welcome to ActiveCollab 5 API documentation. Version 5 of the system is scheduled to be released in early 2015, but we are providing this documentation early on, so you can get familiar with all the new API features. Please note that this is development version and it is subject to change. While we strive to have all stories passing, it is OK that some of them fail at this point.

Main differences with ActiveCollab 4 API are:

  1. Token is transmitted as a request header, not as a parameter,
  2. API accepts JSON and returns JSON. Support for form-encoded input and XML output has been dropped,
  3. Responses are lighter and no longer presonalized,
  4. Timestamps are provided in UNIX timestamp format,
  5. API now supports four HTTP methods ( GET , POST , PUT and DELETE ),
  6. Multiple HTTP mehtods and application simplification helped up drop more 1300 routes,
  7. Only one route accepts file uploads ( /upload-files ). Other routes can use files uploaded using that command.

Updated version of the ActiveCollab SDK is available. Check out develop branch on GitHub:


  1. Authentication
  2. Info
  3. Initial [test failed]
  4. Config Options
  5. Projects/Access Permissions [test failed]
  6. Projects/Archive
  7. Projects/Budget/Permissions
  8. Projects/Budget/Report
  9. Projects/Categories
  10. Projects/Elements/Discussions/Discussion URL
  11. Projects/Elements/Discussions/Discussions
  12. Projects/Elements/Discussions/Move and Copy Discussions [test failed]
  13. Projects/Elements/Discussions/Promote Discussion to Task
  14. Projects/Elements/Discussions/Search Discussions [test failed]
  15. Projects/Elements/Expenses/Expense Categories
  16. Projects/Elements/Expenses/Expenses
  17. Projects/Elements/Expenses/URL
  18. Projects/Elements/Expenses/Visibility
  19. Projects/Elements/Files/File URL
  20. Projects/Elements/Files/Files
  21. Projects/Elements/Files/Move and Copy Files [test failed]
  22. Projects/Elements/Files/Search Files [test failed]
  23. Projects/Elements/Notes/Collections
  24. Projects/Elements/Notes/Delete Note with Subnotes
  25. Projects/Elements/Notes/Move and Copy between Projects
  26. Projects/Elements/Notes/Move
  27. Projects/Elements/Notes/Notes
  28. Projects/Elements/Notes/Notifications [test failed]
  29. Projects/Elements/Notes/Remove from Collection
  30. Projects/Elements/Notes/Reodering
  31. Projects/Elements/Notes/Search [test failed]
  32. Projects/Elements/Notes/URL
  33. Projects/Elements/Notes/Versions
  34. Projects/Elements/Task Lists/Archive
  35. Projects/Elements/Task Lists/Move and Copy [test failed]
  36. Projects/Elements/Task Lists/Task List URL
  37. Projects/Elements/Task Lists/Task Lists
  38. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Archive by Task List
  39. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Archive
  40. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Attachments
  41. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Comments [test failed]
  42. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Labels
  43. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Move and Copy [test failed]
  44. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Promote Subtask to Task
  45. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Reorder
  46. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Subtasks
  47. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Task Estimates
  48. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Task History [test failed]
  49. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Task Notifications
  50. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Task Reminders [test failed]
  51. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Task URL
  52. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Tasks Suggest [test failed]
  53. Projects/Elements/Tasks/Tasks
  54. Projects/Elements/Time Records/Filtered by Date
  55. Projects/Elements/Time Records/Job Types
  56. Projects/Elements/Time Records/Time Records
  57. Projects/Elements/Time Records/URL
  58. Projects/Elements/Time Records/Visibility
  59. Projects/Favorite Projects [test failed]
  60. Projects/Labels
  61. Projects/People
  62. Projects/Project Names
  63. Projects/Projects
  64. Projects/Templates
  65. Projects/What's New
  66. People/Companies/All
  67. People/Companies/Companies
  68. People/Companies/Company Notes
  69. People/Companies/Custom Hourly Rates
  70. People/Companies/Projects
  71. People/Teams/Team Members
  72. People/Teams/Teams
  73. People/Users Work/User Time Records
  74. People/Users Work/User and Team Tasks
  75. People/Users/API Subscriptions
  76. People/Users/All
  77. People/Users/Avatar
  78. People/Users/Invite
  79. People/Users/Password Policy [test failed]
  80. People/Users/Password Recovery [test failed]
  81. People/Users/Projects
  82. People/Users/Role Change [test failed]
  83. People/Users/Roles
  84. People/Users/User State Changes
  85. People/Users/Users
  86. People/Users/Validate Email Address
  87. Invoicing/Company Addresses
  88. Invoicing/Currencies
  89. Invoicing/Estimates/Estimates [test failed]
  90. Invoicing/Estimates/Search [test failed]
  91. Invoicing/Invoices/Discounts
  92. Invoicing/Invoices/Invoice From Time and Expenses
  93. Invoicing/Invoices/Invoices [test failed]
  94. Invoicing/Invoices/Note Templates
  95. Invoicing/Invoices/Preview Invoice Items
  96. Invoicing/Invoices/Search [test failed]
  97. Invoicing/Invoices/Tax Rates
  98. Invoicing/Payments/Credit Card Payment
  99. Invoicing/Payments/Custom Payments
  100. Invoicing/Payments/Gateways
  101. Invoicing/Payments/Supported Currency
  102. Invoicing/Recurring Profiles/Recurring Profiles
  103. Invoicing/Recurring Profiles/Variables
  104. Utilities/What's New
  105. Utilities/What's New Daily
  106. Utilities/Announce [test failed]
  107. Utilities/Compare Text
  108. Utilities/Days Off
  109. Utilities/Labels
  110. Utilities/Test Impossible Collection Call
  111. Utilities/Test Routing and Controller Errors
  112. Utilities/Notifications/Notifications
  113. Utilities/Notifications/Object Updates
  114. Utilities/Notifications/Subscribers
  115. Utilities/Search/Attachments [test failed]
  116. Utilities/Search/Comments [test failed]
  117. Utilities/Search/Filtering by Access [test failed]
  118. Utilities/Search/Suggest [test failed]
  119. Utilities/Trash/Empty Trash in Waves
  120. Utilities/Trash/Empty Trash
  121. Utilities/Trash/Trash
  122. Reports and Filters/Assignments Filter
  123. Reports and Filters/Estimated vs Tracked Time Report
  124. Reports and Filters/Expenses Filter
  125. Reports and Filters/Invoices Filter
  126. Reports and Filters/Invoices Payments Filter

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