Random Idea English

This blog is aimed mainly at advanced students of English as a foreign / second language, although it will hopefully also be of some interest to teachers. I intend it to be a mishmash of lessons, exercises and the occasional opinionated rant about the English language.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Confusing words - near, nearby, close, next

Students sometimes get confused when to use near or nearby , near (to) or close to , and nearest or next . Master the differences with these three exercises.

Near and nearby

Both near and nearby can be used as adjectives and adverbs to mean close in position, a short distance from somebody or something, not far away.


If we want to use a simple adjective or adverb to describe nearness, we use nearby . Note that nearby can be used before or after a noun.


If we use a modifier such as quite, very etc with an adverb or after the verb be we usually use near .

We usually only use near as an adjective to refer closeness of time but not to closeness of position, except in superlatives and when we are comparing near with far .

Near , but not nearby , can also be used as a preposition.
Exercise 1Choose the correct word to fill the gap
Click or tap on the appropriate word
1. The people sitting were making a lot of noise.
near - nearby
2. That sounded rather !
near - nearby
3. They live somewhere the next roundabout.
near - nearby
4. I noticed someone standing staring at me.
near - nearby
5. There are plenty of shops where we live.
near - nearby
6. Don't worry! The car's parked quite !
near - nearby
7. We could see cows grazing in a field.
near - nearby
8. There are several shops .
near - nearby
9. She warned the children not to go the canal.
near - nearby
10. I wonder if there's a pub . I could murder a beer.
near - nearby
11. Are you going anywhere the city centre?
near - nearby
12. A bird was singing somewhere .
near - nearby
13. We heard voices as we drew the village.
near - nearby
14. From a building we could hear the sound of a fire alarm.
near - nearby
15. We're all meeting at that pub the station.
near - nearby

Notes on nearby and near.

Nearby with the verb be.

We can use nearby after be , but often prefer other constructions, such as there is/are or, in a more formal style, putting nearby at the beginning (fronting).

Comparatives and superlatives

With comparatives or superlatives we always use near : We can also use comparative and superlative forms as prepositions:

Both near and nearby are often used with somewhere and anywhere .

Near and close

The adjectives near and close often have the same meaning, but in some phrases only one may be used:
Exercise 2Use your instinct to choose the correct word to fill the gap
Click or tap on the appropriate word
1. I'll be seeing him in the the future.
near - close
2. She had a encounter with a ghost.
near - close
3. They're friends of my father's.
near - close
4. He's a neighbour of ours
near - close
5. Phew! That was a miss.
near - close
6. They're a family.
near - close
7. The match was a contest
near - close
8. It was a call.
near - close
There's a useful usage note at Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (link below).

Near, by and next to

By and next to are closer than near . If they live near the park, it's probably within walking distance, but they can't necessarily see it. If they live by the park, their house is probably next to it.

Nearest and next

(The) nearest means the closest in space, time or relationship, whereas (the) next means 'the one after this/that one' in a series of events, places or people. There are a couple of fixed expressions where next is also used for place.

Exercise 3Use your instinct to choose the correct word to fill the gap
Click or tap on the appropriate word
1. When is your appointment?
nearest - next
2. Inverness, the big town to the village, is twenty miles away.
nearest - next
3. When we get to the services area we better stop for petrol.
nearest - next
4. Turn left at the set of traffic lights after this one.
nearest - next
5. The bus stop to the house is about a mile away.
nearest - next
6. We're getting off at the stop.
nearest - next
7. Her rival was six points behind her.
nearest - next
8. They live door to us.
nearest - next
9. Come over here and sit to me.
nearest - next
10. Do you know where the supermarket is?
nearest - next
11. If you can't find any Roquefort, get the best thing.
nearest - next
12. It was the thing to Roquefort I could find.
nearest - next
There's a useful usage note at Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (link below).

Notes on nearest (to) and next to

The prepositions nearest to and next to have a very similar meaning, but there's a small difference.

Near or near to?

In British English, the preposition near can be used with or without to (although to seems uncommon in American English). When talking about about physical closeness we usually leave it off:

But when we are using near more metaphorically, we prefer near to (or close to ): We usually use nearer and nearest with to , although it can be dropped in a more informal style. Note that we always use to with close and next when they are being used as prepositions:

'Nearby to' is better avoided

You might very occasionally see 'nearby to' + clause. Here is an example at Google Books: And Daily Writing Tips found this example: But most native speakers prefer a simple near :



Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary



Posted by Warsaw Will at 4:34 PM


Thanks for your help on WR F with those “mushrooms”. You helped me a lot. Between us, the mushrooms were worse than poisonous – there were fake. The original text is about something different; I just couldn’t untangle those tenses. I am lucky that I’ve discovered your blog; I will use it as an ally in my uphill battle with your mother tongue.

Glad I could help. I just wish I was doing as well learning your mother tongue. Reply Delete

God luck.
BTW, this post and the word “next”. This short word is felt (or perceived) differently by Poles. We are usually taught that its meaning is “następny” (second in the row) rather than “najbliższy” (the nearest one). Effect? Thousands of gallons of wasted fuel. Every Pole, after seeing the road sign: “Take next exit”, passes the nearest one and takes the second exit, which he perceives as “next”. Believe me, this is not a Polish joke. I learned what the word “next” means after my thousandth U turn.
Reply Delete

Hi, you might also be interested in this post about different, other, another, next, which I find can also be confusing for Polish learners. And then of course there are things like 'druga strona', which for us is 'the other side'.

I'd never realised that about 'następny', always assuning it was simply 'next'. Reply Delete

Wow, thanks for the great explanation. It helps me a lot understand the differences. I only have one question. Why do you use "at" in "Google Books"? Shouldn't it instead be "in Google Books"?

Here is an example at Google Books.
Here is an example in Google. Books.
Here is an example on Google Books. Reply Delete

You wrote "Both near and nearby can be used as adjectives and adverbs to mean close in position, a short distance from somebody or something, not far away."

Near cannot be an adjective.
Near is a preposition (My house is near the supermarket)
and also can be an adverb (Summer is near.)

Nearby can be an adjective (There is a restaurant nearby)
and also an adverb (My house is nearby). Reply Delete

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