Present Perfect and Simple Past Test

The present perfect and simple past test helps you practice your English verb tenses. These two verb tenses are very often confused. Remember that the present perfect is for experiences and the simple past is for specific times in the past.

Check your understanding of the two verb tenses with the exercise below:

Present Perfect and Simple Past Test

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Fill in the blanks with either the present perfect or simple past form of the verb in brackets. Use the time phrases to help you.

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1 . Question

Fill in the blanks with either the present perfect or simple past form of the verb in brackets. Use the time phrases to help you.

2. I (have known) (know) my English teacher for 3 months.

3. She (has not eaten) (no, eat) Japanese food since she was a child.

4. We (went) (go) to the cinema last night.

5. Dan (has seen) (see) Titanic 4 times.

6. Fred (was) (be) late for school today.

7. Jen (has lived) (live) in New York for 3 years. She loves living there!

8. The dogs (slept) (sleep) in the house last night.

9. My brother (took) (take) guitar lessons when he was young.

10. She (has not danced) (no, dance) the Tango in her life.

Would you like more practice with the present perfect? Here are the other tests:

Present Perfect Tests

Present Perfect Test
Present Perfect Test 2
Present Perfect Test 3
Present Perfect Test 4

Present Perfect and Simple Past Tests

Present Perfect vs. Simple Past Test
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past Test 2

For and Since Test
Still, Already, Yet Test

Present Perfect Activities

Present Perfect Listening Exercise

Present Perfect Logic Activity

And here is the lesson if you would like to review:

Present Perfect Lesson

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