Iowa Labor Laws Guide

Ultimate Iowa labor law guide: minimum wage, overtime, break, leave, hiring, termination, and miscellaneous labor laws.

Iowa Labor Laws FAQ
Iowa minimum wage $7.25
Iowa overtime 1.5 times the regular wage for any time worked over 40 hours/week
($10.87 for minimum wage workers)
Iowa breaks None for adults, 30-minutes for every 5 hours for employed minors

Iowa Labor Laws Guide

Table of contents

Iowa wage laws

With regards to wages, Iowa has the following laws, regulations, and limitations.

Regular minimum wage Tipped minimum wage Subminimum wage
$7.25 $2.90 $6.16

Iowa minimum wage

The minimum wage in Iowa in 2022. is $7.25, the same as the current Federal Minimum Wage.

This hourly rate has stayed the same since 2008.

Johnson County, however, has a higher minimum wage (though not legally binding):

Tipped minimum wage in Iowa

Tipped employees are individuals working in an industry where they regularly and customarily receive tips, amounting up to $30 per month.

In Iowa, the current tipped minimum wage is $2.90, so long as they earn at least the minimum wage ($7.25) every hour, including tips.

Subminimum wage in Iowa (Training/student minimum wage)

Iowa Under 20 Minimum Wage Regulation states that any new employee under 20 years old can be paid $4.25 for the first 90 days of their employment.

The student minimum wage regulation is $6.16, for full-time high-school or college students. Their minimum wage must be no less than 85% of the regular minimum wage for up to 20 hours of work per week.

Exceptions to the minimum wage in Iowa

When it comes to exemptions to minimum wage, Iowa follows the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations. They list the following groups as exempt from minimum wage:

Iowa payment laws

In accordance with the Iowa legislature, employees must be paid their wages at least once a month, preferably semimonthly, at predesignated regular intervals.

The payday should fall on the same day every month, no later than 12 days after the end of the period in which the wages were earned.

Iowa overtime laws

Overtime in Iowa is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

According to the FLSA, any time over 40 weekly hours worked is considered overtime.

In accordance with this, employers are required to pay their employees 1.5 times their regular wage for any overtime work ($10.87/hr for minimum wage workers).

It's important to note that any hours worked over 8 hours per day does not count as overtime. Only the hours totaling over 40 hours per week.

Overtime exceptions and exemptions in Iowa

Just like overtime wages, the exemptions are regulated by the FLSA as well. The list includes the following:

If you are eligible for overtime, you can easily track Iowa overtime with Clockify.

Iowa break laws

Let's now focus on laws governing break times in Iowa — and the exceptions to these laws.

Meal breaks in Iowa

Iowa has no state regulation concerning breaks for regular employees, so it follows the federal regulation.

According to federal law, an employer is not obligated to provide a meal break.

The only mention of breaks is in relation to employed minors, who are eligible for a 30-minute break for every 5 consecutive hours worked.

However, if an employer wishes to provide a meal break, anything lasting 20 minutes or less should be paid. Anything over 20 minutes counts as an unpaid meal break.

Iowa breastfeeding laws

Another instance of Iowa following federal regulation is lactation in the workplace. For all nursing individuals, according to FLSA, the employer must provide:

Two exceptions to this rule include the employer not having to follow these regulations:

Iowa leave requirements

With regards to required and non-required leave, Iowa has no specific regulations, which allows employers to set their own terms and benefits.

Meaning, each company/occupation will have their own rules, so we would advise employees to inform themselves during the application process.

Iowa required leave

Let's take a look at all the possibilities concerning required leave in Iowa.

Sick leave and family leave

In regards to sick leave in Iowa, state law says that employers aren't obligated to provide paid leave. Should an employer choose to offer such benefits, they should be in line with the established policies of the company.

However, employers may be obligated to provide paid sick leave in situations where the Family and Medical Leave Act or other federal laws take priority.

In those cases, employees with the following conditions met are covered:

With these conditions met, employees can take up to 12 work weeks of leave for:

Even though the medical and family leave is not necessarily paid (depends on the employer), the law requires that the employee cannot be terminated, but instead reinstated to their former job position upon return.

Jury duty leave

An employer in Iowa is required to provide jury duty leave, but still not required to pay for an employee's leave for jury duty summons.

At the same time, they are not allowed to penalize or otherwise punish the employee for that time off.

Any fee the employee receives from the state for their jury duty summons cannot be counted as wages.

Voting time leave

An employer is required to provide employees with 3 consecutive hours of paid time off for voting, between the opening and closing of ballots.

To be eligible for the voting leave, employees must submit a written request to the employer prior to the voting day.

Domestic violence or sexual assault leave

Iowa has no explicit law or regulation governing leave for employees who are victims of domestic abuse or sexual assault.

The closest thing to it is an employment discrimination code in Iowa stating that an employer cannot discharge or dock pay from an employee serving as a witness, plaintiff, or defendant in cases of domestic or elder abuse.

Emergency response leave

Employees who are volunteer medical service personnel or firefighters are entitled to emergency response leave for the duration of the emergency.

Upon their return to work, they should be reinstated to their old job positions, without any pay cuts.

Organ and bone donation leave

State employees (except employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement) are eligible for:

Upon their return to work, employees should be reinstated to their old job positions, without any pay cuts.

Military leave

The state of Iowa requires employers to provide 30 days of paid military leave each calendar year for state employees in:

Iowa non-required leave

Following is all information concerning non-required leave in Iowa.

Bereavement leave

An employer is not required to give employees bereavement leave, nor time off for attending a funeral.

If an employer chooses to offer this benefit, it should comply with an established company policy.

Vacation time

In regards to paid vacation leave in Iowa, state law says that employers aren't obligated to provide paid leave.

Should an employer choose to offer such benefits, they should be in line with the established policies of the company.

Holiday leave

In the case of private employers, there is no legal obligation for providing paid leave, nor paying employees premium pay for working holidays (unless it becomes overtime). The only exception is Veterans Day, for employees who are war veterans.

On the other hand, public office employees and educators in public schools are required to have days off on state-recognized holidays.

Child labor laws in Iowa

Working minors are a regular occurrence in Iowa, but to be able to work, they require a Working Permit, issued by the Iowa Department of Labor.

Labor laws for minors aged 14 and 15

Employees in this age group can work only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., except from June 1st through Labor day, when they can work until 9 p.m.

They also aren't allowed to work for more than 4 hours on a school day, or 8 hours when school is not in session.

They can work up to 28 hours on weeks when school is in session, or up to 40 hours when school is not in session.

Lastly, the labor law for minors requires that every employed minor gets a 30-minute break for every 5 consecutive hours worked.

Prohibited occupations for minors aged 14 and 15

For minors aged 14 and 15, prohibited occupations include:

Prohibited occupations for minors under 18

For minors under 18, prohibited occupations in Iowa include:

Hiring laws in Iowa

When it comes to the hiring process, the Iowa Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, disability, and so on during the hiring process. Other regulations for the hiring process include:

Termination laws in Iowa

Iowa is a state following employment-at-will.

This means that employees working under contract can be terminated for any reason at any moment.

The only caveat is that termination cannot be considered legal if it's due to discrimination or retaliation against an employee.

Final paycheck in Iowa

As stipulated by Iowa state law, employers are required to pay all final wages to employees by the next scheduled payday, regardless of the cause of termination.

Further information concerning hiring and termination processes can be found in the discrimination laws section below.

Discrimination laws in Iowa

The State of Iowa enforces the Equal Employment Opportunity, which ensures that all applicants should have a fair opportunity for employment, based on their ability to perform the tasks well.

And, for employed individuals, this act prevents employers from discharging or otherwise unfairly treating their workers based on certain characteristics.

Based on The Iowa Civil Rights Act, employers are prohibited from discriminating based on:

The Equal Employment Opportunity Code is legally binding for everyone: private and state employers, state and local governments, educational institutions, apprenticeships, etc.

Occupational safety in Iowa

Iowa largely follows the federal OSHA, but also has its own State Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is a subdivision of the Iowa Division of Labor Services in the Department of Workforce Management. The administration offers:

And when it comes to issuing permits, and safety inspections, as well as control, the Iowa Division of Labor conducts the following:

Additionally, the US Department of Labor has an Iowa State Plan web page listing all of the workplaces NOT covered by the Iowa state OSHA.

Miscellaneous Iowa labor laws

In this final section, we will go through some of the additional labor laws that are of public interest.

Iowa right-to-work laws

Arizona is a right-to-work state, which states that if your company decides to unionize, an employer cannot fire you should you refuse to join.

Likewise, an employer cannot use a union membership as leverage for accepting or refusing a job applicant.

Lastly, right-to-work protects employees from being fired if they wish to resign from a union.

Whistleblower protection laws

Whistleblower protection laws keep employees protected in multiple scenarios where they could report their employers for unlawful conduct. Those scenarios include the following: