New Jersey Notary Certificate – Affidavit

The New Jersey notary certificate for an affidavit is used to obtain notary certification for an affidavit, whether it be an oath of affirmation. The purpose of the affidavit is for the signer (affiant) to make a written statement and swear an oath or affirmation that the statement is true. A notary public must positively identify the signer (by prior knowledge or photo ID) and witness their spoken affirmation/oath. Once the affiant has sworn the affirmation/oath, the notary can complete and sign the jurat statement.

Laws – Title 41 (see § 41:1-7 and § 41:2-3)



State of New Jersey )

County of ___________, )

I, _____________________, [signer’s name] being duly sworn, make this my affidavit and state:










Date: ____________________


Affiant’s Name

Subscribed and sworn to before me on __________, 20_____ by _________________ [affiant’s name].

(Affix Notary Stamp Here)


Notary Public Signature

My Commission Expires: _______________