Team up with other MAS contractors

Two or more Multiple Award Schedule contractors can team up to be able to compete for orders that they may not qualify for on their own. These are called contractor team arrangements.

FAR Subpart 9.6 does not apply here

A MAS CTA does not create a separate legal entity.

Benefits of CTAs

With CTAs you can


Contractor team arrangement: An agreement between two or more MAS contractors who work together to meet agency requirements.

CTA agreement: A written agreement between team members detailing the responsibilities of the team and each team member.

Team leader: The MAS contractor who has been designated as the leader with responsibilities outlined in the CTA agreement.

Team member: Each MAS contractor offering a portion of the solution with responsibilities outlined in the CTA agreement.

Differences between CTAs and prime-subcontractor arrangements

Topic CTAs Prime contractor and subcontractor arrangement
Who has a contract Each team member must have a MAS contract. Only the prime contractor must have a MAS contract.
Who has responsibility Each team member is responsible for duties outlined in the CTA document. The prime contractor cannot delegate responsibility for performance to subs.
Who interacts with us Each team member has privity of contract with the government and can interact directly us. Only the prime contractor can interact with us. The prime contractor is responsible for subcontracting activities. The government buyer probably specifies in the request for quotation that they must approve using subcontractors ahead of time.
How do invoices work Each team member invoices the government buyer at unit prices or hourly rates as outlined in the task or delivery order, or blanket purchase agreement. Prime contractors invoice the government buyer according to its MAS contract, which may include price reductions.
What is the scope Team members can offer total solutions quickly and easily. Prime contractors can only provide the supplies or services that were awarded on its MAS contract.

CTA agreements

The CTA members submit their CTA agreement in response to requests for quote. Government buyers do not approve the agreements, but the elements below are what government buyers typically are interested to know.

Small business set-asides

If you are competing for a contract set aside for small businesses, all team members must meet the socioeconomic status and the limitations on subcontracting at FAR 52.219-14 apply. This means small business team members must perform at least 50% of the value of the work to be completed.